Emotions Correlate To Different Organs In The Body

Each organ in the body correlates to a different emotion.

When focusing on root cause wellness, it is important to look to the mind-body connection for possible answers.

If you’re under severe emotional stress, consistent, revolving stress, or have had emotional trauma, whether past or present, the body can harbor (hold onto) those emotions and cause the organ it correlates to, to slow down in its process and dysfunction over time.

Emotions can affect the body and the body can affect emotions. This is called a “Psychosomatic event.

There are 3 steps in involved in this process…

1️⃣Identify the emotion(s) that is/are being held (stuck) within the body. When the emotion is identified, the Central Nervous System needs to be desensitized to that emotion,  so it’s no longer creating internal stress, dis-regulation and affecting the body, or the organ in a negative manner.

This can be done by a technique called Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). There are other techniques out there that can help to lessen the stress on the body, such as TFT and EFT, but neither are that strong in identifying the emotion stuck in the body.

2️⃣Look from a psychological perspective and address the stress by…




👉🏻Hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy

👉🏻Talking w/ a therapist/coach


👉🏻Somatic Experiencing

This step is mainly done by the patient/client and is their responsibility to remove/reduce the stress (emotions causing organ/body dysfunction).

3️⃣Support the organ/body and the healing process, by looking at several factors…


✅Cerebrospinal fluid

✅Blood flow

✅Lymphatic drainage

✅Structural component

Once one, some or all five of these components are identified as needing to be stimulated, this will help remove the pressure put on the organ by the emotion and will stimulate the organ to function more optimally.

Some organ-emotion correlations:

🧠Kidney = Fear

🧠Liver = Anger

🧠Gall Bladder = Resentment

🧠Lungs = Sadness & grief

🧠Spleen = Low self esteem & worry

To name a few…


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