To Diet Or Not To Diet?
To Diet or Not to Diet? That really shouldn’t be the question we ask ourselves.
Have you ever wanted to lose weight and keep it off? Have you ever wanted to have sustained energy throughout the day and not get tired or crash? Have you ever just wanted to change your life and didn’t know where to start?
There’s a difference between “wanting” to make a change and being “ready” to make a change. Until the want becomes action, nothing will ever change for the better.
Most people believe that going on some sort of “diet” will help them achieve these goals. Unfortunately, the idea of a diet, just means taking a vacation from the way you really eat, which is a temporary mindset.
Sometimes taking baby steps and putting one foot in front of the other is the best way to not only start, but to changing your lifestyle. It’s a slow and steady process with no quick fix.
1️⃣Be ready to make a change and realize that change will be uncomfortable in the beginning. It’s not enough to “want” to do something. You need to be in the mindset of being “ready” to make a change, which will most likely involve discomfort. So, I’m actuality, it’s more about being ready to be uncomfortable and most of us, don’t want to be.
2️⃣Start by realizing what foods you’re eating that are potentially causing problems and harming your health. Begin to eliminate those foods that create inflammation in your body. These foods are most likely being stored as fat, instead of being used and burned off as energy.
3️⃣Once you’ve removed some of these potentially harmful, unhealthier foods, your body has a chance to relax more and some of the pressure taken off its functioning.
Now would be the time do a supported cleanse. This can be accomplished with the Alchemy Cleanse. It’s a 10-day metabolic detox, that cleanse your body out down to the cellular level, while supporting its highest functioning.
4️⃣To further walk the path to better health, sometimes it’s important to have blood work done to check Thyroid function and hormone levels. Imbalances in one or both can also play a role in increased weight, as well as making it difficult to lose that weight.