Morning Rituals and Habits
Mornings can be tough for some people. It’s sometimes hard to get out of bed and to get motivated and inspired, especially after you’ve been sleeping all night, your body being shut down because it was at rest and regenerating.
I get asked a lot what my morning habits and rituals are to get my day started and to be honest I’ve been working on this for over nine months. I’ve been tweaking, adding things, taking things out and shifting things around to see what works best for me.
Here are my morning rituals and habits that get me motivated, inspired and allow me to be more productive and on purpose:
1️⃣Wake up with the sun - allow my body to wake up naturally
2️⃣Get outside for 5-10 minutes to get that natural light, vitamin D and some grounding
3️⃣Stretch - get my muscles moving and blood flowing
4️⃣Cold plunge for 1-3 minutes to wake my Central Nervous System up
5️⃣Make a protein shake for some sustenance and fuel before working out
6️⃣Eat half a banana
7️⃣Take my nutritional supplements, which consists of :
👉🏻Multi mineral - for all the little Biochemical reactions that take place in the body and to feed the muscles
👉🏻Quercitin - anti-inflammatory, supports the lungs and heart
👉🏻NAC - respiratory and immune boost
👉🏻Zinc - increases testosterone and immune support
👉🏻Boron - increases testosterone
👉🏻Liposomal Vitamin C - immune and adrenal support
👉🏻Vitamin B complex - mood enhancement, energy and brain function
👉🏻Vitamin D - immune support
👉🏻DHEA - energy and to stimulate the adrenal glands
👉🏻Creatine - before my work out to supply energy to the muscles
8️⃣Do sauna for 10-15 minutes
9️⃣Work out
🔟Come home, plan the rest of my day and eat a large meal by 1030-11 o’clock to replenish what I used up working out and to give my body fuel for the next couple of hours.
After 9 months of putting together and tweaking habits and rituals, this is what my morning looks like and what works for me currently. Like everything else in life, with time, habits and rituals will most likely change.
What motivates and inspires you in the morning to get going?