What Is Methylation?
METHYLATION is the process of taking a single carbon and three hydrogens (known as a methyl group), and applying it to countless critical functions and chemical reactions in your body such as:
🔥Repairing DNA
🔥Turning on and off genes
🔥Fighting infections
🔥Getting rid of environmental toxins
Methylation defects reduce the person’s ability to:
👉🏻Properly detoxify
👉🏻Process hormones
👉🏻Repair cell damage
👉🏻Fight infections
👉🏻Have energy throughout the day
👉🏻Absorb and utilize Vitamin B12 (causing a high marker on a blood test)
If you lack these nutrients, your ability to methylate may be limited.
2️⃣Vitamin B2
3️⃣Vitamin B6
4️⃣Vitamin B12
These nutrients are needed to help make the most active form of folate in your body known as MethylFolate.
What can cause these nutrient deficiencies?
❌Poor diet
❌Low probiotic levels
❌Digestive issues
❌Taking medications
❌Anxiety or stress
❌Drinking alcohol
❌Heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, copper and arsenic) exposure in the body
The best way to heal from methylation problems, starts with repairing and healing your digestive system. This comes in the form of:
✅Taking high quality probiotics
✅Getting rid of Candida (yeast/fungus)
✅Stopping the consumption of alcohol
✅Taking high-grade nutrition in the form of methylated B vitamins, etc.
✅Eating dark, leafy green vegetables
✅In many cases, also removing mercury from the mouth and other heavy metals from the body are as equally important.