What Are The Tonsils?

The TONSILS are part of the immune system and are found at the throat and palate. Because of their location, they are the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and viruses entering through the mouth and nose.

The tonsils also contain a lot of white blood cells, which are responsible for killing germs.

Why are kids and some adults ending up with Tonsillitis and potentially having their tonsils removed (Tonsillectomy)?

👉🏻The tonsils can get swollen/inflamed and become so big, they block the airway and make it hard to breathe, especially during sleep.

A child could snore and potentially stop breathing for short periods while asleep, when the tonsils get in the way.

This obstructive sleep apnea can make kids miss out on healthy, restful sleep, which can lead to learning, behavior, growth, and heart issues.

👉🏻If a child gets a lot of tonsil infections (Tonsillitis) and a doctor diagnoses the child with at least 7 infections a year, more than 5 infections a year for 2 years in a row, or three infections a year for 3 years.

Tonsillitis can lead to symptoms such as:

  • swollen or inflamed tonsils

  • sore throat

  • pain when swallowing

  • fever

  • hoarse voice

  • bad breath

  • ear pain

The best way to prevent Tonsillitis is through good hygiene, including:

✅Washing your hands often

✅Not sharing food, drink, utensils, or personal items like toothbrushes with anyone

✅Staying away from someone who has a sore throat or tonsillitis

✅Good oral care, including scraping the tongue, flossing and brushing the teeth regularly

✅Using a humidifier

Natural substances and nutrition you can take for prevention and maintenance:

1️⃣Warm tea w/ raw honey


3️⃣Gargling w/ sea salt & warm water



6️⃣Licorice lozenges

7️⃣Vitamin D

8️⃣Vitamin C


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