Sensitivity vs. Allergy
There is a difference between a sensitivity and an allergy and it’s dependent on the body’s response. The catalyst and mechanism can still be either food-related, environmental, animal-related or otherwise.
A sensitivity can be less potent and less severe than an allergy. They can potentially manifest themselves with lighter symptoms such as skin irritations/issues, post-nasal drip, stuffy nose and digestive problems. Sometimes they can be more severe, depending on the severity of exposure.
An allergy can be more serious, because it affects the immune system on a larger scale and creates stress on the immunoglobulin reactions (IG) found within the immune system. Symptoms can be anaphylactic in nature where your throat closes up, which can be life-threatening.
For example, when you have a food allergy, your immune system causes the reaction. If you have a food sensitivity or intolerance, the reaction is triggered by the digestive system.
One of the ways to help remove sensitivities from the body would be to utilize a technique called NAET. This is an allergy elimination technique that not only stimulates and helps regulate the Central Nervous System, but also desensitizes it to the specific sensitivity, and/or allergen exposed to.
Some sensitivities may only need to be cleared one time to remove the sensitivity. Other, heavier sensitivities, may take multiple times to clear, depending on how much exposure you’ve had and how sensitive your Central Nervous System is to it.
For more information on NAET and how it can work for you, go to