How Interconnected Is The Human Body?
Each of our body systems are interconnected and dependent on each other. Our heart, which is part of our circulatory system, does not beat unless our brain, which is part of our nervous system, tells it to. Our skeletal system is dependent on our digestive system for increase in size and strength.
When looking at root-cause wellness, it is important to realize that each muscle correlates to a different organ in the body and each organ correlates to a different emotion.
Pain in the body, is the body‘s way of letting us know there is a problem and something needs to be fixed/corrected.
If you have pain in your right shoulder, it could be because your liver and/or gallbladder is sluggish and not functioning at an optimal level.
If you have foot pain, it could be due to a neck problem. When the neck goes out of alignment, your lower back may go out of alignment to compensate. When your lower back goes out of alignment, you bare weight improperly, which puts extra stress and pressure on your hips, knees and ankles.
When you have low back pain, it could be emotional in nature. It’s called “emotional low back.”Meaning, when you have a lot of emotional stress, the correlating muscles will be affected, react, become tight and they could cause imbalances and lower back pain.
For example, If you are consistently living in fear, your kidneys can be affected and it’s ability to work properly will become sluggish. If the kidneys become sluggish, it’s going to tighten up the correlating muscle(s), and potentially cause pain in an area other than where the kidneys are.