Right Shoulder Pain & The Gallbladder

Right Shoulder Pain vs the Gallbladder…

If you are having consistent, right shoulder pain, it may be coming from a gallbladder issue instead of a structural issue.

You want to rule out structural problems first …

✅Muscle imbalances & trauma

✅Bone misalignments

✅Nerve compression

Once you have ruled out structural issues, you want to look to the Gallbladder.

If the Gallbladder is inflamed, irritated and swollen, it may be affecting a nerve called the Phrenic nerve.

The Phrenic nerve stretches from the abdomen, up to the chest and into the neck.

When you eat fatty foods/fatty meals, the Gallbladder needs to produce bile to break down those fats, which can stress the Gallbladder and then the Phrenic nerve gets irritated.

When this occurs, you can get referred pain from the Phrenic nerve in the neck all the way down to the right shoulder.

Reasons for Gallbladder stress:

1️⃣Sludgy bile


3️⃣Nutritional deficiency

4️⃣Nerve compression to the gallbladder

5️⃣Blood flow

6️⃣Lymphatic blockage

7️⃣Cerebral Spinal fluid blockage

8️⃣Acupuncture Meridian point blockage

You want to look at all these different aspects and figure out what exactly is stressing the Gallbladder and causing all of the other symptoms.

Once you find the root cause and correct it, your right shoulder pain should go away.

If you’d like help and you haven’t been able to get rid of your shoulder pain on your own, please feel free to DM me for a free 20-minute phone consult to see if I can help.


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