Heavy Metal Testing…
Heavy Metal Testing…
If you’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, or you’ve been having specific symptoms for a long time, you’ve run the gambit and can’t figure out where they are coming from,
you may want to do a heavy-metal test.
There are several ways to test for heavy-metal exposure in the body…
👉🏻8-hour urine collection
👉🏻Blood test
👉🏻Hair analysis
👉🏻Fingertip analysis
The most accurate test will be the 8-hour urine collection, which involves taking a binding agent, such as DMPS or DMSA, collecting urine over the next 8 hours and sending to the lab for results.
2 things of note when looking at the heavy metal test:
If cadmium is present in your body, it can suppress the actual amount of mercury showing up on your lab test. If this is the case, you’ll need to remove most of the cadmium first and then do another 8-hour urine collection in the future to find the true amount of mercury present in your body.
Depending on how much mercury is found in your body, you’ll want to remove any mercury that may be in your mouth from dental fillings first. Fillings in the mouth can create a vapor when biting down. This vapor can be reinvested by the body and embed itself in the tissues as well.
The best ways to remove mercury, and other heavy metals from the body:
✅”Guided” sauna treatments
✅DMPS - injections
✅DMSA or DMSO - orally
Consult your primary health care doctor for more information…