What Is Plantar Fascitis?

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the tissue that’s on the bottom of the feet and spans from the heel to the toes.

The main symptom is going to be stabbing pain at the heel of the foot. It can aggravate daily activity and create discomfort where it’s hard to walk properly.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis:

1️⃣High intensity activity

2️⃣Repetitive and prolonged activity

3️⃣Being overweight

4️⃣Older age (40 to 60 years)

5️⃣Flat feet

6️⃣High arches

7️⃣Women who wear high heels

8️⃣Tight calf muscles

9️⃣Body Ph being low (acidic)

🔟Adrenal Gland fatigue

In my last 24 years of practice seeing patients and clients, the most effective form of treatment for Planter Fasciitis is fixing the Adrenal Gland stress and decreasing the acidity in the body.

Each organ and gland correlate to different muscles in the body. The Adrenal Glands correlate to the Gastrocnemius (aka - calf muscle).

When the Gastrocnemius is tight, it could be due to acidity in the body and Adrenal Gland stress.

Different treatments:



✅RICE (Rest, ice, compression & elevation)



✅Doing a cleanse and removing the acidity in the body

✅Correcting the Adrenal Glands by way of:

👉🏻Nutritional deficiency

👉🏻Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

👉🏻Blood flow

👉🏻Lymph drainage

👉🏻Bone misalignment compressing on a nerve

Getting rid of Plantar Fasciitis is a multi-treatment focus and approach in my opinion. Correct the external environment (bone misalignments, muscles, tendons and ligaments) and the internal environment (body acidity and adrenal glands) and watch your symptoms fade.


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