Muscle To Organ Correlation

In Kinesiology, we as healers are taught to look at the muscles and see if they are responding or reacting.

If they are reacting, are they tight or are they loose/weak? Depending on the findings, it’s a good indication of an organ that may not be functioning optimally.

The idea of health care should be two-fold; to keep people healthy through maintenance and prevention practices, and to find the root cause of the problem.

Muscles can tell a lot about the body and what may not be working as well as it should. For example, if you have Plantar Fascitis, it could be due to your Achilles tendon pulling on the bottom of the foot. If that is happening, it could be due to the Gastrocnemius muscle pulling on the tendon.

The Gastrocnemius is a calf muscle that correlates to the Adrenal Glands. When the correlation is made, it’s important to figure out what factors could be causing the Adrenal Glands to dysfunction. Is it a blood flow issue, nutritional deficiency, or otherwise?

Another example would be your Psoas muscles being tight. The Psoas correlates to the Kidneys, which correlate to hydration. Is the body getting enough water? Is there a nutritional deficiency, etc?

Through careful and considerate attention to your body noted by yourself and your healer, you can ”swim upstream” and find the root cause of your health issues and correct them so they aren’t just band aided.

A few muscle-to-organ correlations:

Psoas = Kidneys

Gastrocnemius = Adrenal Glands

Deltoid Lungs

Rhomboids = Gallbladder/Liver

Pectoralis Major = Stomach

Quadriceps = Small Intestine


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