Everything In The Body Is Connected To Everything Else…

Everything in the body affects everything else, so when looking at health issues, it’s not enough to just look at that specific area, and/or that specific symptom.

Muscles correlate to organs, organs correlate to emotions, Acupuncture Meridian points correlate to teeth, as well as organs and body systems correlate to nutritional biochemistry.It’s important to become a detective of sorts and tie these signs and symptoms in with other areas of the body, to find the root cause of the health problem.

To dive even deeper, there are multiple aspects to these muscle-organ correlations:

1️⃣Nutritional component

2️⃣Cerebral spinal fluid flow

3️⃣Blood flow

4️⃣Lymphatic drainage

5️⃣Structural component

It’s important to take a good history of the individual, look at the signs and symptoms, exam the body, look at the body’s systems and connect the dots. In health, we should be focusing on the body as a whole and not just the sun of it’s parts.

While health issues can be linear with just one cause, other health problems may have multiple different causes that involve multiple body systems and multiple lifestyle factors.


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Muscle To Organ Correlation