Adrenal Glands And Their Affect On The Body

Everything in the body affects everything else, and when one system begins to dysfunction, there can be a cascade effect and other areas can begin to dysfunction over time as well.

The adrenal glands are known as the anti-stress glands of the body,. They are two small triangular-shaped glands, that sit on top of the kidneys,. They produce adrenaline for energy, cortisol, which is supposed to combat stress, as well as sex hormones.

When there’s any type of stress (physical, physiological, environmental or emotional) bombarding the body, the  adrenal glands have to work that much harder to continue producing adrenaline and cortisol, to combat that stress.

After a period of time, if that stress isn’t reduced, the adrenal glands will overwork and burn themselves out

👉🏻When they burn themselves out, adrenaline is no longer being produced regularly and your energy levels throughout the day will plummet.

👉🏻Cortisol levels will be high, which can affect other systems in your body like digestion, sleep and weight gain.

👉🏻Your immune system will be weaken, which could cause you to get sick quicker and for longer periods of time.

👉🏻Your Central Nervous System can become dis-regulated and you can be stuck in a fight or flight mode, instead of rest and repair.

The best way to address this, lower the stress on the body, as well as to stimulate your adrenal glands through specific foods:

✅Organ meat
✅Healthy/Organic meat
✅Cruciferous vegetables

and nutritional supplements:

✅Vitamin B complex (mainly B6)
✅Vitamin C


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