“I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me. Without your kindness and friendship, I don’t think that I would have been able to have peace of mind and spirit. You are a fantastic Chiropractor. You fixed my body and allowed my daily quality of life to improve dramatically. You also gave me another gift, the gift of knowledge. I learned more from you concerning health, nutrition and my body than any other source in my life.
The best thing that you did for me was to become my friend. You listened to me when I needed to be listened to and consequently, this allowed me to gain some semblance of mental clarity. With this mental clarity, I was able to see and understand things that have plagued my soul for fifteen years. Thank you so much. After fifteen years of daily drug and alcohol abuse, I was finally able to quit abusing my body. I know that I will never be able to repay you, but I will try to spread some of the kindness that you have showed me to others. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”
— Thomas W.
“First and foremost, I want to say “thank you.” I can’t thank you enough for taking the time and energy to really get to the root of my problem. To have a doctor that actually cares if I am well is something new to me. Yet, you have been that person. You took the time to listen to me when I told you things about my health history and you took notice of things that needed to change. Although, I must admit I didn’t even believe in your form of treatment at first, but without much thought about it, I was feeling up to par in less than four appointments. I am more than a believer now.
I found it amazing since I had been going to gastrointestinal specialists for the past 4 years and still had no answer as to what was causing my digestion problems. You had an answer for me on my 3rd appointment. Although I didn’t believe that you had cured me, once again, you proved your knowledge of the Human body. You are a body of knowledge and your experience made me feel very comfortable in your care.
You always explained what you were doing and what could have caused the pain. Not only did you try to explain everything to me, you gave me the instructions as how to avoid against this in the future. You gave me stretches to do before and after all my workouts as well as some specific to my activities. You knew that I was very athletically inclined and you worked around my need to train. You were very straightforward with me about my limitations at first and it was up to me to live up to them. Yet, if I chose to ignore them, you would tell me the next time that I caused this pain. I learned quickly that you are usually always right on.
You made time for me when you weren’t technically “on the clock” for emergencies, which is something that most doctors would never consider. Besides that, you took a real interest in my state of being and made sure that your techniques were actually improving my health. I can’t say that for many of the other doctors who’ve treated me. Most of them just prescribe antibiotics and send me on my way, never concerned by how I was. You shocked me when you called me to see how I was after my first appointment. I thought to myself, “wow, a doctor who actually cares!”
For the first time in over 6 years, I have been well and healthy for over 3 months straight, all due to you. I can’t thank you enough for your dedication to my health. I have achieved many of my fitness goals since I started seeing you. Thank you for your determination to get me back in my routine. I can honestly say that I have felt better in the past 2 months than I have for most of my life. I can say that I am “HEALTHY!”Thank you for giving me that.”
— Mackenzie W.