The Importance of Serotonin
Serotonin is a brain chemical that carries messages between nerve cells in the brain and throughout the rest of the body.
It’s more commonly known as the “happiness” chemical, and it plays a major role in body functions such as…
🧠Wound healing
🧠Bone health
While it’s considered a brain chemical, 90% of it is actually made in the gut (digestive tract).
Through changes in lifestyle that promotes a healthy digestive tract and microbiome, you will not only experience first-hand, the connection between healthy choices and increased vitality, you will also experience the connection between mind and body.
10 Daily habits that will decrease Serotonin levels and age you quicker...
1️⃣Poor diet
2️⃣Not getting enough sleep
3️⃣Lack of physical activity
4️⃣Consistent stress
5️⃣Chronic pain
6️⃣Canceling social engagements (Community)
7️⃣Using conventional, toxic toiletries
8️⃣Lack of exposure to sunlight
9️⃣Lack of intimacy and touch
🔟Reoccurring digestive problems
If you don’t have enough Serotonin, you are more likely to develop depression and anxiety. When this occurs, there’s a lack of productivity, social interaction and sleep is affected. All of which will perpetuate the cycle of more depression and anxiety.
Ways to increase Serotonin naturally…
✅Eat whole foods and foods rich healthy fats
👉🏻Free-range chicken and turkey
👉🏻Pastured eggs
👉🏻Raw milk and cheese
👉🏻Grass fed meat
👉🏻Cruciferous vegetables
✅Get more exercise/movement
👉🏻30 minutes of aerobic exercise and/or lifting weights a day
✅Lower stress levels
✅Get exposed to sunlight
👉🏻15-20 minutes a day
✅Make time for intimacy if you have a significant other
✅Manual therapy such as Chiropractic or massage
✅Get 8 hours of sleep
✅Take nutritional supplements
👉🏻Vitamin D
👉🏻Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils)
👉🏻St. John’s Wort
👉🏻Digestive enzymes
👉🏻B complex
To find peace and happiness anywhere, anytime, it all comes down to lifestyle, balance, a healthy gut and the choices we make on a daily basis.