The Benefit Of Using Ice and Heat…

Ice and heat are two very beneficial therapies to treat sore muscles, bruised body areas, etc. Ice helps to reduce inflammation/swelling and decreases blood flow, thus decreasing pain. It should be used as much as possible within the first 24 hours of an “acute” injury, to reduce the inflammation. Make sure your skin returns to its normal temperature before applying more ice.

After the initial 24 hours has gone, continue icing the muscle/area at least three times a day. There should be a decrease in the swelling and pain within that first 72 hours after the injury.

Heat increases swelling by increasing blood flow to an area so the cells can begin or continue the healing process. It relaxes muscles by increasing their elasticity and aids the process of breaking up scar tissue/adhesions. Heat is good to use when the injury is 72+ hours old and becomes “chronic.” It is also good to use with tight muscles and before exercise or strenuous activity.

Whenever you do use heat for whatever reason, it is a good idea to always end with ice. Heat will increase swelling, ice will decrease swelling!


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